Vinegars & Oils  >  Vinegar

Premium Pure Rice Vinegar

500 ml  •  Iio Jozo

Like their Pure Rice Vinegar, this vinegar is made with ingredients grown without pesticides and Iio Jozo’s house-made sake. This vinegar uses 8x the amount of rice typically found in rice vinegar, giving it a rounder and more luscious flavor.

water, rice

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We love it!

The crème de la crème of rice vin

"This rice vinegar is made by legendary Japanese vinegar makers who grow their own rice, ferment it into sake, and then ferment the sake into the most delicious vinegar. This recipe was developed over a 20(!!) year period and has minimized the acidic nose of regular vinegar.

We'll add this to pretty much everything. Salads, roasts, sauces, stews, marinades, cocktails... we could go on!

About the Maker

Iio Jozo

Iio Jozo

Iio Jozo


Akihiro Iio is the 5th-generation legendary rice vinegar maker in Japan, nestled along the coastline and making their products for over 120 years.

Iio Jozo grows their own rice along with local farmers, ferments the rice into sake, and ferments that again into the most mind-blowing rice vinegar. Their vinegar uses anywhere from 5-10x the amount of rice most vinegars use, and the flavor is unlike any other! 

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